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    Saturday 22 November 2014

    This cool battery could let you buy extra battery standby time at the local store.

    Some smartphone plans let you “top up” by purchasing extra data or minutes should you run low before the end of the month, and this cool concept battery applies a similar idea to battery power. It’s a tiny environmentally friendly cell with a Micro USB or Lightning connector attached to it, that would be sold in convenience stores. Called the Mini Power, it would come in varying capacities, but advertised by the amount of extra standby time it would provide – two hours, four hours, or six hours.

    Its small size makes it very convenient, and could potentially be purchased in a long strip, where chunks of power could be torn off and used when needed. External battery packs are often quite  big and heavy, but the Mini Power would disappear in a pocket or bag. Battery packs using disposable batteries have been around for a while, but the Mini Power stands out thanks to its size, eco-friendly credentials, and perhaps most importantly, very cool design.

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    Item Reviewed: This cool battery could let you buy extra battery standby time at the local store. Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Emily
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